From principles to actions: on the way to Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023

The destruction of Ukrainian cities and the flooding entire districts are the consequences of Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine. The country needs a quick recovery and a long-term strategy for sustainable reconstruction. The topic of rebuilding Ukraine is becoming increasingly relevant, so it is the focus of the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine.

On June 13, on the eve of the international Ukraine Recovery Conference, the UN Global Compact Ukraine held a high-level event “From Principles to Action: on the Way to the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023”. This event brought together leaders and stakeholders of the Ukrainian business community to identify key challenges and opportunities for Ukraine’s economic recovery and growth in the post-war period.

The UN Global Compact Ukraine becomes a home for the Ukraine Business Compact 2023. The aim of this Compact is to re-enforce the business community’s support for peace in Ukraine and to set out mutual expectations for the success of the recovery efforts. It is initiated by the Ukraine Recovery Conference. The official presentation of the Ukraine Business Compact and the publication of the list of companies that have signed them will take place on June 21-22 in London at the Ukraine Recovery Conference.

This Compact was supposed to be signed only by international companies that would be investors in Ukraine’s recovery. However, the UN Global Compact Ukraine has made great efforts to ensure that Ukrainian companies are also involved in signing them.